

six years ago little miss Kaylee was born....exactly at this moment in time.

six years ago my world TOTALLY changed.

you were our miracle...a blessing we never thought would come.

and you did.

what makes you wonderful?

you sing like a princess
you dance like a princess
you're a little actress
you are so helpful with your baby brother
you're up for a good wrestle with Cade...and now he can put up a good fight.
you love your brown and white cereal
you love to have a pok-isle after your 'mommy sandwich'
you love to be tickled....and I love tickling you
you have beautiful brown eyes....like mommy (daddy says)
you love to learn and ask me to teach you things

my little girl isn't so little anymore.



ckm said...

Happy Bday Kayleebug!

Cassandra Romney said...

Thats really sweet!

Tami said...

No way is Kaylee six! She's so adorable. I love your photography.
My sisters and I just started a craft blog at yourcreativejuices.blogspot.com. Check it out sometime. You're a crafty chic! Hope you guys are doing well.

Take Care.

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