
march 29

What? Cade asked for something different for breakfast? I can't believe it! Guess what he asked for
He wanted a snowcone for breakfast. John stayed home from church with the boys. They are feeling much better, but I didn't want to risk throwing them into a bunch of germs so soon after being so sick.
I caught Conner scooting on video (finally ...). He is super fast on carpet.
Kaylee and Kendall had fun playing with some Dora figurines and then dancing around the pole in our formal living room/dining room. It is so cute to see Kendall interact with her. He is in the mimicking stage. He repeats her phrases and her dancing moves.
Potty training is going well. Cade did poopies twice in the potty today (to make up for yesterday). He came running in to me holding his hind end saying "potty potty potty" - we ran and made it just in time. He knows! Kendall is still holding out with poopies for today. Both boys have been dry all day today. I am trying to get Cade to go to the bathroom without an audience. He just wants to make sure someone knows he gets a piece of candy. Kendall doesn't have that love for candy, yet. I will miss Kerst when he goes back to school. He is very good at rewarding the boys their candy (and then rewarding himself).
Cade has wardrobe issues. I am trying to make him self sufficient. He has been working on pulling his undies back on after going potty. Sometimes he has them rotated a tad too much and parts of him are hanging out through the leg hole. It is quite a sight ... silly boy.
Tonight Kendall went after Cade with his sippy cup and gave him a pretty good wallop on the head. I scooped Kendall up and put him on time out and went to Cade to make sure he was ok. He was in tears. I kissed his head and asked him if he was ok. I was expecting him to say "He hit me, my head hurts" instead it was "My shirt wet." I took off his shirt with the couple of drops of water on it and he immediately stopped crying. He has a hard head!
Kaylee enjoyed her time with her Princesses during Sacrament Meeting. She was not happy with me when I told her the Princesses couldn't go to Primary. Kendall woke up dry this morning; I thought for a moment to offer the princess play date to him, but resisted. Kendall would be happy; Kaylee wouldn't.

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