
i'm too cheap

to buy real gallery wraps....so I made my own version.

Few lengths of 1x2's, cut in 1/2 length wise and cut to size...12x12 prints from costco of a few collages I made of each of the kids. It turned out really nice! And didn't cost much at all!

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yesterday I had to discipline Kaylee for....can't remember what for....but she was in trouble, that much I do remember! She pouted for a while and was quite unhappy with me. She was sitting at the table while we were getting ready for dinner, looked up at me and said, "I don't like you mommy."
"What?" I asked.
Kaylee responds, "I said, I don't like you...."
a short pause.
"But I love you."
made me smile.


this is for you Corin

Conner has a few new abilities:

and this, Corin, is for you:

mom liked this one....BONK!....smile!

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