
outside fun

The mornings down here in Arizona have FINALLY cooled off and we're enjoying our morning playtime more. Cade has figured out how to ride his bike...using the pedals. Kaylee is super quick on her scooter. It's fun to see them play along side each other.

who you waving at?ME!and Conner!
This perspective was pretty cool! taking a short break
Those of you who know Kaylee know that it's a hard thing for her to share. You can see her thought process and action when Cade decides to try out the scooter. Cade going the speed of light. Almost didn't get it!

This looks like it would work...but didn't. Good try and thanks for sharing Kaylee!my handsome CadeI love his expression going down the drivewaypoor ants!
Sunday Walk

We've enjoyed going on walks on Sundays...either before or after Church...best when it's cooler in the morning. Daddy is a bit big to pullCade pulls the wagonfootprints


Julianne said...

That is sooo cute with Cade on the back of the scooter.

Brooke said...

Such a cute family!
I love the one of Davis in the wagon!

Kelly Anderson said...

I miss them! I love the progressive shots with Cade riding the bike leaning back!! love it!

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