
conner the sweet potato

I love these little pj's on Conner. He has such a cute little baby body and cute little round face. Who wouldn't wanna kiss this!?

Conner has been my constant companion this last week while David was in South Carolina on a business trip and Kaylee and Cade were taken care of by some great friends so my back could recuperate from being thrown out. Great timing, I know.


Daughter of God said...

sorry about your back, cute little boy!

Boyles Blog said...

Those jammies are so cute on that super cute boy!!! Let me know if you need anything.

Kaylee said...

He is so dang cute! I love those chubby cheeks! And I'm sorry to hear that you threw your back out :( Hope you're doing better.

Sara said...

Those may be the cutest pj's I've ever seen! Are you feeling better?

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