
ladies first

Tonight David and I ate a bit late for dinner. The kids had already eaten. I put our food on the table and David had just sat down while I was bringing over our drinks when Cade decided he wanted to join in on our dinner. He started to pull out the chair that I would sit in...next to my food. It was pulled out and I sat in it...I said 'thank you, Buddy.' A little frustration escaped his lips as he went to the next chair. He pulled it out and out of nowhere Kaylee comes up and sits in that chair...and she says 'thank you, Buddy.' He wasn't happy, but we were both laughing so hard. He finally started pulling out the THIRD chair and was able to muster enough energy to get up on that chair and onto the table to help me eat my dinner. It was too precious to see little Buddy pull out the three chairs, which the first two were gladly taken by two ladies of the household. It was really a fun thing to watch. He's such a little gentleman! My sweet Buddy.
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